What Is Couple Therapy All About?

Communication is the lifeblood of all kinds of human relationships. It requires skills, compassion, and understanding to be able to communicate properly with other people. It does not come by itself, but must be learned.

When married couples start couple therapy for help because the challenges have become too great, I always emphasize that I cannot solve any problems at all. What I can do, however, is help them improve their communication so that they can understand each other, and thus solve the problems themselves.

In couple therapy, it is about having the opportunity to really see and understand each other. To be able to see through their own emotional filters, that is, the old beliefs that block the view. When a filter is dissolved, you see things in a clearer light.

When you are able to see through these filters, you will find that the old patterns and traditions are dissolved as well. I want you to think about this; before you got married, were you a really caring person? Did you do nice things for your partner all the time? Do you still do these things? If you have not really been a really caring person, you are most likely in danger of breaking your new relationship with your partner.

The reason why it is dangerous to have a low level of caring is that it creates many barriers. A barrier is a way of defending against something undesirable. When a couple start to have a low level of caring, the barriers between them will get higher and higher.

This situation puts a lot of pressure on the intimate parts of the couple, because they need to stand up for each other. This is the reason why infidelity is sometimes the trigger. The barrier between partners is breached and this can lead to an affair. But it is not the fault of the partner who has an affair, it is the fault of the couple that was unable to maintain the barriers between them. When you see the situation in this way, you will know how to handle it. You will know how to make sure that it will not lead to an affair.

You should know your partner’s needs so that you can give your partner more of the things that you are used to. You will notice that the friction between you is getting lighter day by day. This is the beginning of your restored intimacy and intimacy is the starting point for your relationship.

How couple therapy works

In Danish we ask ourselves: Hvordan virker parterapi? In couple therapy this is what is happening to rebuild your broken relationship:

  1. Couples identify their difficulties and identify the barriers between them. This will be the beginning of your restored relationships.
  2. Couples learn to value the presence of each other. People who value each other will not like to see one of them become less important in the sight of the other. They will be happy to have the other person coming to their wedding. This is how they learn to respect and appreciate each other.
  3. Couples agree on how to raise the level of their intimacy. This will give both couples the incentive to put effort into raising their intimacy.


The most important thing for a man to have is to listen to his wife, you can do anything with that. Listen to your partner’s needs and you will never have to question whether he or she is happy or not. Listen to your partner and you will make your marriage stronger. This is how couple therapy works (hvordan fungerer parterapi)

To have a good sex life is good for both, but it is most important for them to listen to each other. This is how they learn to respect and appreciate each other.

To feel respected and appreciated by your partner is the most essential thing for you. You will feel very appreciated and loved by your partner when you can make your partner feel that he or she is very important to him or her.

To feel loved and appreciated by your partner, you have to make your partner feel that he or she is very important to you. The way you can feel loved and appreciated by your partner is by spending time with him or her, listening to what he or she says and by showing your appreciation by words and actions.

To have a happy and a satisfied marriage you have to let your partner know that you appreciate and love him or her. You can express your love and appreciation in kind. Good sex is good for both, but a lot of times it is just better to fulfill each other’s desires. When you can fulfil each other’s desires, sex will be more satisfying and also healthy for both partners.

When your partner feels that he or she is very important to you, it can help him or her to be more willing to fulfil your desires.